How often do you switch bank accounts? Or dentists? Or even hairdressers? I expect it's not that often. It is the same for estate agents. Either way, it's possible to change if you are feeling underwhelmed, disappointed or disheartened with the property sale experience. And it is actually easier than you might think.

Once you have a kitchen, dining room, living room, bedrooms and bathrooms, what else do large properties use their rooms for?? There comes a point when you run out of names for them all! Luxury properties will often have 'extra' rooms, over and above those that you would expect, and often it is these additional rooms that make us feel that a property is that little bit 'extra', setting it apart from the norm.

Viewings are an essential part of selling your home. This article will give you some top tips to get those offers flying in!

The average seller spends years deliberating about selling their home. With all of that time spent researching, many sellers will already know which estate agent they will use when ready to market their home. So, how have they made this decision?

As the clocks change and the darkness comes earlier each night, many pet owners begin to feel anxious about the fireworks at the start of November. Read these top tips to keep your pets calm and happy.

A tenant requesting to leave before the end of the tenancy can cause all kinds of stress. In this article we will share some suggestions of what can be done in this situation.

If you are considering selling your property, you're most likely hoping that the valuations will come in high. Make sure that you get the highest valuation possible with these tips.

If you've ever considered moving house before and read blogs about where to start, there is almost always information about decluttering. Why?

Buying a new property to live in is an enormous decision. Even so, we will likely spend more time deciding to buy a new sofa or car than a new home. The average property viewing takes just 20 minutes, and the average buyer will view a property only 2 or 3 times before completing the sale and moving in. With such minimal time in a property before agreeing to purchase, these viewing appointments are critical - check out these top tips to make sure you don't miss anything!

As each year ends, we reflect on the year before and set resolutions and goals for the year ahead. Here is what you need to know if a house move is on the cards for you in 2023.

What should you do to ensure your property is safe whilst it is empty through the winter months?

Nativity plays, shopping, present wrapping, and staff parties. It's all go in the run-up to Christmas. There is so much going on at this time of year. Preparing for viewings on your property, on top of everything else, could be enough to send you over the edge!